Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 12th

Thank you everyone for all of your help with the Strawberry Festival. Working together as a community is what we are all about.
Dates to remember:
1.    El Rodeo- Wednesday, May 18th- Please send in $7.00 for your child by Friday May 13th. This includes lunch, drink, dessert, tip, and tax. All parents, grandparents, and/or friends are welcome to come to lunch. Please let me know if you will be attending. You can meet Elena and your child at El Rodeo at 11:15. Lunch will end at 12:45 (Plantation Road Location).
2.    Dress rehearsal for Arts Festival will be Tuesday, May 24th. Please make sure you child is in school. Also please make sure your child is not late. We will be leaving by bus at 9:00 sharp to be transported to Mill Mountain Theater. You do not need to transport your child. Please bring them to school.
3.     Arts Festival- Our Class performance will take place on Thursday, May 26th. WE WILL TRANSPORT YOUR CHILD. PLEASE HAVE YOUR CHILD HERE BY 8:45. Dismissal will be the normal campus dismissal at 3:15. There will be no after school on Thursday.  If you leave with your child after the performance, you need to check your child out with me.
4.    Friday, May 27th- Please bring your child to school at the normal time. We will have a normal school day. Dismissal will be at 3:15 and there will be no after school.
5.    Monday, May 23rd – We will be going to see “Junie B. Jones” at the Roanoke Performing Arts Center—I need parents to please drive. Please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks!
6.    Wed. June 1st – We will be going to see “Give a Mouse a Cookie.”  Look for details to come.
7.    June 7th – Our class will be having a water day to celebrate the end of the school year. Please send your child with their bathing suit, water shoes, and a towel. Pray for Sunshine.
8.    June 8th – conference day. Please let me know if you need to reschedule.
9.    Thursday June 9th- Last day of school-noon dismissal and no after school. Watch future Quick Notes for more details.
Wow….. so much is going on. Please let me know if you have any questions or if I have been unclear about anything. This time of the year life is so crazy.
 It has been my pleasure to be your child’s teacher this year. This has been a wonderful group of children.

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