Wednesday, April 27, 2011

It is so hard to believe it is the end of April. This year is going by so fast. Spring is here and warmer weather. You are welcome to send in sunscreen for your child with a written note to give me permission to help your child put it on. I recommend your child wear shoes that protect their feet. It is real easy to stub your toe or cut your foot in the “little woods” on the play ground.

In Literacy – We are reading Three Billy Goats Gruff; it is a classic tale of three hungry goats and a mean troll. The goats – a little one, middle size one, and a big one – want to cross a bridge and get to a meadow of sweet grass. Under the bridge lives a troll who eats anyone who tries to cross. The little goat ventures out first. When the troll threatens to eat him, the little goat convinces him to wait for his bigger brother. The middle size goat crosses next and persuades the troll to wait for the third goat. Finally, the third and largest goat confronts the troll and throws him off the bridge. The troll is never seen again, and the three goats live together in peace.

Center one- the children will make-up different endings to the story. For example let’s suppose that the troll had gotten safely out of the river. What do you think the troll is doing now?  The children will also think and write about the lesson the troll may have learned from the goats. We had a very interesting class discussion with many options expressed as to what may have happened. One child thought he now lived in a cave. Of course we had children who thought he was swallowed by a shark and living in the shark’s belly. The lessons learned were discussed also.  Some children thought, “you should always share things with others” or “maybe if you are not nice you will get into trouble.”

Center two – We are making Br books. The children are cutting word cards out that begin with the blend br. From the word cards they will make-up sentences using the words on the cards. They will then staple them together to make a book.
Center three – We are making a sequence book called A Sprouting Bean. The children are also introduced to vocabulary works related to planting. For example did you know the first root of a plant is called the radicle. Ask your child what emerge means?

In Science – We read several versions of Jack and the Bean Stock, and planted our own bean plants. It has been so much fun watching them grow. Ask your child to tell you the different ways seed travel. We will also be studying the different parts of the plant in the next week.

In Math – We read the story Inch Worm.  With this story the children will use different forms of measurement to record the length of objects. The children will also explore their environment and measure and compare different objects. The children also continue to work on addition and subtraction problems.

General News:
Please sign-up for Strawberry Festival if you have not already. Look on Quick Notes for the sign-up sheet.

On Friday May 6th – the children will be served strawberry short cakes at school on Friday.

Field trip - Monday May 23—more information to come. We are going to see Junie B. Jones (which I have just finished reading to them).

Arts Festival- Check Quick Notes

On a personal note I will be out of school Friday May 6th and Monday May 9th- My Dad has recently passed away and I will be attending a Memorial Service for him in Florida. Thank you in advance for your understanding.

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