Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Happy end of the year!
Correction- The end of the year water day will be on the last day of school. Thursday June 9th…( not June 7th as I had stated in the last note home). Sorry for the confusion.  Now to further confuse you we have added a special water day for the early learner this Friday. We wanted to make the day special because we will not be going to the Arts Festival on Friday. Please send a towel, water shoes, and a bathing suit on Friday.  This water day is in addition to the one on the 9th. 
Thursday May 26th- Art Festival, Remember the location is Mill Mountain Theater .  Please bring your child to school at normal time .The bus will leave at . Please  email me at bethr@communityschool.net  (or send a note) if you want your child sit with you after their performance.  If I don’t hear from you, your child will sit with me for the rest of the performances of “Jungle Book” and “Mulan”. If you are taking your child home, please let a staff member know. Pattie will be at the entrance of the theater with a check off list. Please let someone know. I go into a panic if I lose track of a child. The art show will begin at . The drama show will begin at . Your child will be the first one on. 
     To make costuming easier, please ask your child to dress in shorts and either a tight-fitting t-shirt or a tank top on the day of the performance.  Your child will have to go up and down the stage steps, so please no flip-flops.  We want to make sure everyone is safe.

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