Thursday, September 16, 2010

General news:
Wow! It is hard to believe summer is over and here we are back in the swing of things. The first few weeks together, we have been learning our daily routines and focusing on The Big One. We use The Big One as a guideline to help us become a warm, friendly, and welcoming classroom community. We took a tour of campus with our “Treasure Maps.” Along the way we discovered where the new music room is located and we met the new Computer Teacher. We explored the new tepee and discovered where Holly’s office is located. We finally discovered the treasure back at our room! We really had so much fun. Ask your child about digging for gold.

Communications: Please try to return your folder daily. Quick Notes are published on the Community School website every Tuesday please check it out. Please feel free to leave a message in the office for me or e-mail me. (I try to check my e-mail daily, but some times it is impossible.) My e-mail is

Fruit Break: Please send your child with a healthy snack. Fruit, cheese, and yogurt are all acceptable. No candy or soda please.

Toys: Please do not let your child bring toys to school (only on show and share day). Show and share will be on Fridays and it will start after the fall festival.

Birthdays: You are welcome to bring a treat into share with the class. Please no peanut butter.
If you are having a party please mail your invitations from home.

Fall Festival will be October 13th-14th. I will let you know as soon as I know the location. Please note that an adult must accompany every child. We will have other responsibilities during the trip and cannot be responsible for your child. If you cannot attend, please let me know. This trip is a lot of fun and it is a great way to get to know other parents, so we hope you will attend. Katie’s and Keri’s classes will also come with us.

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