Thursday, September 23, 2010

Class name: Cool Cats
General News: Starting this week I will be sending home the All about Me Bag. Please help your child pick four of five things that tell us all about his or her interests. Details about what to bring are attached to the bag, you should return it within two days of when the bag comes home, so that each child will soon have a turn.

Please make sure your child is wearing proper footwear to school. We play outside every day. Your child’s feet need to be protected. They also need to be comfortable.
I have had lots of very tired children this week. I understand it may be difficult to get them into bed please try. Thank you!!

Fall Festival: Our dates for Fall Festival are October 13th and 14th. The location will be camp Alta Mons. We will be spending one night. Look for details to be coming home in your child’s folder this week. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. A reminder all children must be accompanied by an adult. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Science: We now have three chrysalises in our class and one remaining caterpillar. With a little luck I am hoping we see a butterfly emerge from the chrysalis. Each morning as
the children enter the room they run to the science area to see what has happened over night. They are being very patient. We will let you all know as soon as the big event happens.

Language Arts: To complement our Caterpillar theme we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carl. We are working on creating our own sequencing books to go along with the story. To introduce the story I used a big book. With the use of Big Books we are teaching beginning readers to successfully figure out new words on their own and give children the confidence to become impendent readers. I teach them to look for picture clues, letters or words they may know. With a pointer I help to train their eyes to sweep across the page. We also learn new vocabulary words. We are working on the concept of today, tomorrow, and yesterday. We are also working on the days of the week and the months of the year. The Hungry Caterpillar has lots to teach us!!

Much of this week has been spent on assessment. I have been meeting with each of your children individually to determine your child’s individual needs. This process is very necessary and very time consuming. I hope to have assessments completed by the end of the week.

Field trip: Our class has been invited by James Simmons family to pick apples at their family orchard. We are planning on going October 8th. If you are able to help with transportation let me know as soon as possible. We will leave school around 9:00 and return around 1:30.

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