Thursday, February 24, 2011


The 100th day of school was a success! We did lots of counting. We even predicted what we might look like and be doing when we are 100 years old. We still have lot of pennies to count for the Children’s Network Charity. Please feel free to send in pennies until next Wednesday.

Our trip to the nursing home was wonderful the children did a wonderful job singing. They also made beautiful cards to hand out to the audience. I was so proud of them. Thank you Kim for organizing the trip, the kids really enjoyed the experience.

A reminder: Tomorrow February 25, we are going to see Seussical. The show is at The Roanoke Performing Arts Center. Please have your child to school on time. You will also need to leave your car seats at morning drop off, labeled with your child’s name.

Please remember to look at the note I sent home yesterday. Next week we will be Celebrating Dr. Seuss. Each day we will do something fun!

Please look for a note coming home today from the lower elementary teachers. They are inviting your child to meet with an older child to learn about next year. Please fill out the form and send it back with your child.

I am also sending home your Child’s script for their play in March. Look in quick notes for performance times. Julie has stressed to me that the children do not need to memorize the script word for word. They just need to become familiar with their part.

Please remember to look at Quick notes. Strawberry Festival volunteers are needed for Baking Day(March 18). Check Quick Notes for details on signing up.

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