Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Book fair: Pizza Day
Reminder: we will be performing “The Little Red Hen” at lunch tomorrow Wed., December 8, 2010 at 12:15. If you are planning on eating pizza tomorrow, please send money tomorrow morning in an envelope with your name on it, a dollar for each piece you are ordering. You may choose between pepperoni and cheese.
You are welcome to visit the bookfair before or after lunch. The children have made a wish list that Pattie will have at the bookfair.

Holiday Party: Our party will take place Friday, December 17th at 10:30. We do not need any more food for the party. We are having a very low key party so we will not need any extra help.

We are still collecting food for low-income seniors who live at Melrose Towers. I am planning to will deliver the food this Friday, December 10th. I am so amazed at all the food we have collected so far. Thank you so much for your generosity!

December Holidays: “The Festival of Lights” We have been studying “lights” from around the world to help your child learn fun customs from around the world.

Diwali – The Hindu Festival of Lights. During this celebration, special clay saucer lamps are lit and set out of rooftops and along roadsides and river banks. It is believed that the lights will bring blessings of wealth and good fortune. We will make a special saucer with a candle. The children make a good wish for the world.

Winter Solstice – Last week when I was out the children learned about the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year). It is customary for families to burn a great log in their fireplace. Burning this Yule log warms and brightens the long, dark night. It is also believed by some that burning the great log will bring good fortune.

Israel – Yesterday we celebrated Hanukkah. We made potatoes latkes with applesauce. The children gobbled them up. Thank you Kelly (Silas’s Mom) for helping us cook. We also learned about the Menorah.

Holland – We will also be studying the winter festivities of Holland. Instead of hanging stockings by the fireplace, children of this country place their wooden shoes outside the door. They place hay and carrots in their shoes and go to bed hoping those things will be replaced with treats in the morning.

Sweden – The Swedish festival of light, know as Luciadagen is the name for St. Lucia, the queen of light. Remembering her serves as a reminder that brighter days will follow the dark days.

We will also be studying a few other customs from other countries.

Watch for the “Festival of Lights” book the children are making. They will be bringing it home next week.

I hope you have a wonderful winter break. I am extremely grateful for Community School and the opportunity to teach your child.

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