Wednesday, October 27, 2010

October 27, 2010

We had so much fun reading the story “The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything “. We acted out the story with musical instrument. It was so much fun. The children had to really listen to the story to know when to make their instruments make the correct sound. Ask your child what sound they made.

The story is about a little old lady who was not afraid of anything. She must deal with a pumpkin head, a tall black hat, and other spooky objects that follow her through the dark woods trying to scare her. As a follow-up activity we cut, colored, and glued our own Scare Crows together. They came out awesome! I can’t believe how detailed the children can cut. Lots of improvement from the beginning of the year!

Mara did an awesome job pretending to be the teacher and read a Halloween story to her classmates. Great job Mara!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Halloween Party:
On Friday October 29th, we will be having our Halloween Party. Kim and Betsy’s class have organized a party and parade for the early elementary and preschool levels. Our party will start at 10:30 and end around 11:35. The party will end with the children marching in a parade around campus. Please do not send your child to school dressed in their costume, we will change into them right before the party. After the party we will change back to our regular clothing. Please make their costumes as simple as possible. Make sure your child is wearing comfortable walking shoes. We will be walking from classroom to classroom doing different activities.

Fall Festival:
Fall festival was such a great success! Thank you for all of your help. It was a pleasure getting to know all of your families. I would love to hear how you felt about the Fall Festival experience, both positive and negative. Your input helps us plan future activities.

Math: We have been cooking away. First apple sauce and last Friday we made apple crisp. It was sooooo delicious….the kids loved it. Cooking is so much fun…children do not realize they are learning important math skills.
We will be finishing our unit on geometric shapes. The kids have learned to recognize and label shapes in our environment by handling and exploring. Last Friday we made three dimensional shapes with our buddies using tooth picks and clay. Ask your child the difference between a sphere and a circle or a cone and triangle.
Our next math unit will be sorting and classifying. Sorting and classifying activities are valuable because they help to develop a child’s ability to think in an analytical manner. This, in turn, leads to growth in problem solving. In order to sort and classify a group of objects, a child must be able to recognize common attributes of objects. For example, a nickel, a dime, and a quarter have several common attributes. They are all coins, they are all metal, and they are all round. Your child will learn from a variety of experience sorting and classification.

Language Art: This week we read the story “Pumpkin Pumpkin” by Jeanne Titherrington. It is a wonderful story about a little boy who plants a pumpkin seed and watches it grow. The follow-up activity is for the children to make their own sequence book about growing a pumpkin. The activity involves cutting and number sequence and telling or reading the story back to me. Lots of direction!

Have a Happy Halloween and please do not send candy with your child’s lunch next week.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Camping Trip Reminder

Reminder: Tomorrow is the camping trip. Please meet at school about 9:00am.We will leave here at 9:15. Katie and Keri (6-8 year old teachers) will be greeting you and your child in the morning and taking attendance. I need to leave extra early to set things up at camp. You are responsible for transporting your own child. If you are meeting us at Camp Alta Mons please let Connie know in the office. Remember you will need to be with your child at all times during the trip (useless you have made arrangement for another adult to watch your child). We will go rain or shine. On Thursday you may head home around 1:00p.m.

Also remember you will need to pack lunch and snack for two day. Dinner and breakfast will be provided.

Get lots of rest tonight!! Get ready for a fun adventure. I am looking forward to this special time with your child.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Happy October!

General news: A reminder on Friday we will be going to James’s Family apple orchard. Please pack your child’s fruit break and lunch in separate bags and label each bag with your child’s name. We will leave school at 9:00 and return around 1:00. Please dress for the weather. Make sure your child is wearing shoes that protect their feet. Thank you Leah (Mara’s Mom), Geoff (Zack’s Dad), and Holly Hirst for driving on Friday.

Next week is our camping trip we will leave from school at 9:15 on Wed. and return on Thursday. On Thursday you may leave from Alta Mons to go home around 1:00. If you plan to meet us at camp Alta Mons on Wednesday please let me know. Remember you will need to pack two lunches per person and bring two snacks. We will provide Dinner and breakfast. We will go rain or shine.

Please remember to check Quick Notes every Tuesday.

Science: It’s a boy and a girl!! We are still waiting for the last chrysalis to open. We have had so much fun learning all about the life cycle of the butterfly. Last week we let two free. Before we let them free we all made a wish. Thank you Bill (our Middle School science teacher) for taking the time to teach us how to gently hold a butterfly. This week we will continue learning the parts of the butterfly. We are learning some great vocabulary words. Ask your child what the words abdomen and thorax mean. We are also learning about different kinds of species butterflies.
Literacy: We read the story, The Seasons of Arnold Apple Tree. As the seasons pass, Arnold enjoys a variety of activities as a result of his apple tree. We are making our own books to represent the four seasons of an apple tree. Next week we will make applesauce and an apple pie.

Classroom Management: This week we start center work. Each child is assigned a center for the day. During this time period your child is expected to complete that centers work for the day. The children will rotate thru the three centers (which will take three days.) I am working very hard to get your child to work quietly and independently during this time. Once children get used to centers and are working independently, they will move on to small group work.